The first show of the year is Eindhoven where Speggle-Waggel's Roisin Connor won the CACIB and the reserve CAC.

At the International show in

Hoogstraten Mr,Deschuymere

gave her the CAC/CACIB 

and best bitch

In February Roisin had qualified for the Topdog of the Year show. She was not selected but we were extremely proud to have qualified at all! And Roisin deserved a kiss for always being willing to show for me.                                           

Speggle-Waggel's Zack (Lewis) went to his first show and became 1st in the group puppies 4-12 months.                  


We all love his head!

In Luxemburg Roisin wins the CAC and at the Clubshow of the Belgian English Cocker Spaniel Club the Reserve CAC.
Huge success at the championshipshow of the Nederlandse Spaniel Club: Roisin wins the CAC and is BOS. This win makes her a Dutch champion.